The Master’s Degree in Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona (MBArch) is an official program (60 or 90 credits) organized by the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB), which deals with the contemporary architectural and urban design project.
International dimension for giving continuity to previous programs of our university, with a long tradition and a high level of recognition, for the extensive ETSAB network of relationships, the origin of its participants, its contents and the wide experience of its faculty in universities all-over the world.
Addressed essentially to architecture and urbanism professionals, and also to those interested in continuing their PhD studies.
It offers eight specialty tracks in a new integrated master’s degree, with the possibility of enriching trajectories, adapting better to students research and professional practice interests.
The Master’s Degree in Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona (MBArch) is an official postgraduate program (60 to 90 credits), which focuses on the contemporary architectural and urban design. The MBArch combines in a new integrated master a selection of specialized masters previously offered by the ETSAB that used to enjoy a high level of recognition.
This result is characterized by the creation of eight specialisations:
- Urban and Architectural Management and Valuation
- Urbanism: taught in Spanish or English
- Project, Process and Programming
- Theory, History and Culture
- Architecture, Energy and Environment
- Technological Innovation in Architecture
- Architectural Restoration and Rehabilitation
- Contemporary Project (english track)
Prestigious architects and professors taught all these research areas. One of the most significant aspects of the MBArch is its transversal organization, which is a unique aspect of this Master in comparison to the different postgraduate programs of the current supply in our academic field. This feature provides a flexibility that gives the opportunity of studying in different ways using multiple itineraries inside the post graduate courses. In this way, students can have a better matching to their research and professional interests.
The MBArch is one year long (60 credits), and is structured in a common phase, with three subjects; another one of specialization, in which you can choose from a wide offer of each line other six subjects, and a seminar of preparation of the final work. You can choose to obtain a double major with a greater number of electives (90 credits).
For «its urban regeneration in the decades after the restoration of democracy», for «providing a shining example to other cities, specially London», and specially, for those who «have personified and promoted the transformation of the city».
What we offer
The MBArch offers 8 lines of specialization, all of them taught by renowned architects and academics. It also allows students to follow a double specialisation

In one of the best Schools of Architecture in the world and in an internationally recognized city for the quality of its architecture and urban transformation.
Composed by a common phase (three subjects); a specialization one (six to twelve optional subjects to choose from a wide offer) and a final master thesis seminar.
The breadth and diversity of the offer allows students to enrich their itinerary within the master, adapting it to their research and professional practice interests.
Topical issues are discussed, promoting individual or team research work, seeking to expand the frontiers of professional and disciplinary knowledge.
In a multicultural context due to the origin of the students and the experience of the teaching staff.
To enrol at the MBArch you must apply for admission and,
once approved, you may register
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